Training teachers to use the European Language Portfolio
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Learning to learn:
a model of reflection for teacher trainers, teachers and learners

Relevance of topic

Experiences of language, communication, culture, learning processes and oneself as a learner are essential for language learning – but they need to be processed consciously for learning to take place. Learning requires an explicit awareness of what it is that needs to be learned (metalinguistic and meta-cognitive awareness). Learning is the process of creating new knowledge through the transformation of experience. Reflection plays an important role in this process by providing a bridge between experience and theoretical conceptualisation.

For an intentional conceptual change to take place, three conditions need to be met: (a) knowledge/ understanding of what needs to be changed (metacognitive/ metalinguistic condition), (b) motivation for the change (volitional condition: engagement, commitment), and (c) self-monitoring the change process (condition of self-regulation: goal-setting, monitoring, self-assessment). Reflection is an essential element in all of these conditions for learning to learn, and it needs to be taught and facilitated explicitly.


Working methods

Plenary presentation followed by individual reflection and sharing and reflection as pair work, leading to group work in the home groups; poster summaries.


What we want to achieve

A model of reflection as a whole-school approach is proposed, including the students, the teacher and the institutional context. Reflection is discussed in terms of three areas of student (and teacher) awareness: (1) personal awareness, (2) process and situational awareness, and (3) awareness of the learning task. Student awareness is facilitated by the teacher’s professional awareness and commitment to foster student learning, in the context of the institutional learning culture and the surrounding society.  The model provides a checklist and suggestions for reflection by the participants to promote ELP-oriented language learning.

Hamburger Fremdsprachentage (23..24. September 2005) (German)

Learning to learn, Viljo Kohonen

Learning to learn - handout

Learning to learn through reflection – an experiential
learning perspective
, Viljo Kohonen