A Training Guide for Quality Assurance in Language Education
Leitfaden für die Qualitätssicherung im Sprachunterricht
QualiTraining Guide


Quality principles and
basic concepts

Quality and people

Systems, processes and
instruments for QM

Assessment and evaluation
of quality

Case studies

Extra materials





QualiTraining Guide DE


Qualitätsprinzipien und
grundlegende Konzepte

Qualität und
der menschliche Faktor

Systeme, Prozesse und
Instrumente des QMs

Bewertung und Evaluierung
von Qualität


Extra Materialien


The first part of the unit examines some of the different principles that can be applied to quality in general and explores how they can be applied in language teaching.

The four “models” examined are:

  • Quality as client satisfaction – to be achieved by analysing “clients” needs and wishes, and planning and implementing teaching / learning activities which meet these needs. The notion of client in education is a complex one as it includes “direct” clients (the learners in the classroom) and other stakeholders (parents, employers, universities etc.)
  • Quality as a process – delivering language courses can be seen as a set of processes – a connected chain from needs analysis, general setting of curriculum aims, defining syllabus, planning lessons etc. There are similar sets of processes in evaluation procedures and in developing resources. Quality involves getting every step of the process “right”
  • Quality based on results – the quality of language teaching must also judge the efficiency of the process – how much language is learned? Is there satisfactory added value in the learning process? The difficulty of a pure results based assessment of quality is examined.
  • Quality based on values – education is not a commercial enterprise and it is important to define underlying values – such as the promotion of mutual respect and tolerance – in order to assess its quality.

The Guide prompts readers to explore these principles, all of which need to be included in an overall approach to quality, and to reflect on how they can be applied in their own contexts. To illustrate how changes in the professional environment impact on the way the principles are applied, there is a description of how the development of the Common European Framework of Reference, and its implementation, has affected language education. The second part of the Unit presents some of the basic concepts related to quality assurance; how do we establish criteria and use these to set standards? What indicators can we use to find out if we are achieving quality? How can benchmarking help us in this work? Again the concepts are applied to the readers’ own environment.

The Project in Detail

Project Description

Project Events

QualiTraining – A Training Guide for Quality Assurance in Language Education


Projekt im Detail



QualiTraining-Leitfaden für die Qualitätssicherung im Sprachunterricht


Quality Management in
Language Education


ECML web site:

Project web site: www.ecml.at/mtp2/QualiTraining

Coordinator: Laura.Muresan@Eaquals.org