European Centre for Modern Languages



To be submitted electronically:

Comparison Questionnaire for Inspection Schemes / Audits

Questionnaire re the introduction of the European Language Portfolio in different contexts

Table of Contents

Other instruments


Checklists for EAQUALS Inspections

Self-assessment Checklists ("I can do") for Children

Self-assessment Checklists ("I can do") for Teenagers

Self-assessment Questionnaire for Adults (1)

Self-assessment Questionnaire for Adults (2)

Self-reflection Questionnaire on the Links between Professional Development and Quality Assurance

Self-observation Chart

Guide for Teacher Self-assessment

Learning Diaries

Self-assessment of Learning Progress

Self-review Questionnaire for Academic Management

Questionnaire to Teachers on their Perception of the Quality of Private Language Teaching

Questionnaire on Course Evaluation in Higher Education

Questionnaire for the Preparation of the CRPE at the IUFM in Châteauroux

Job specification for teachers

Guideline for job interviews

Extract from the Curriculum

Guidelines for appraisal

Questionnaire for customer satisfaction


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