European Centre for Modern Languages

Self-reflection Questionnaire
on the Links between
Professional Development and Quality Assurance

Laura Muresan

Take a few minutes to reflect on professional development opportunities within your institution and how they relate to

(a) your own needs and interests and
(b) your students' needs and wishes.

Please answer the questions below and add any comments and/or suggestions you consider relevant for further improvements.

1. Which development opportunities have been most useful for you?

2. In what way have you benefited from them?

3. How have your students and your colleagues benefited from your professional

4. How do you perceive the dynamics of professional development at & through your
__School or Department?

5. How do you perceive the inter-relatedness between professional development
__opportunities and customer care at your School / in your Department?

6. Other comments or suggestions regarding

A. Further Professional Development

B. Improved Customer Care

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