Comparison Questionnaire for Inspection Schemes / Audits

Frank Heyworth

1. What kind of institutions are covered by the scheme?

State sector institutions

Private language schools

Teacher training institutions

Other (please specify)

2. What are the quality criteria used?

National curricula and regulations

Codes of Practice and Charters

Examination performance

Other (please specify)

3. How are the standards defined?

By checklists

By quality indicators

By performance targets

Other (please specify)

4. Who are the inspectors/ auditors?

Ministry inspectors

Independent outside inspectors

Practising professionals

Other (please specify)

5. What is inspected?


Academic procedures

Administrative procedures

Health and safety

Staff qualifications

Examination results

Student feedback

Other (please specify)

6. What is the grading scheme?

Pass / fail

Average grades

Meeting all requirements

Other (please specify)

7. Who receives the inspection report?

School management

Ministry of Education


Students or clients

Other (please specify)

8. What is the tangible result?

Official approval

Accreditation or certification

A quality label

Authorisation to operate

Other (please specify)

Comments and detailed answers: