Bratislava, Žilina

5.2.2 National Training Event / Riga

Intercultural communication in teacher education - a trainer training seminar

National Training Event held in Riga, Latvia;
Project ICCinTE, May 21-22, 2005, Report,
by Aina Kačkere and Ildikó Lázár

Course facilitators:       
Ildikó Lázár (Hungary)
Aina Kačkere (Latvia)

Faculty of Education and Psychology
Teacher Education department
University of Latvia
Jurmalas gatve 74/76
Riga, LV1083

13 / 14 May, 2005
Four sessions on both days

Number of participants:  20
University based methodologists / 8
In-service teacher trainers- 6
Mentors- 6

All the participants are involved either in pre-service or in-service teacher education and have a great potential for the dissemination of the information learned during the workshop.

Themes covered:  

  • Defining the key concepts of ICC (culture and Culture, cultural awareness, acculturation, stereotyping, intercultural competence, etc.)
  • Research and development in ICC (reports on quantitative and qualitative studies carried out in the framework of two ECML projects on the role of culture in language education)
  • ICC in teaching materials (evaluation of teaching materials from an intercultural perspective, practical training in adapting existing coursebooks to suit our needs)
  • Course design (goals and types of ICC courses, the most important components of a language teacher training course that incorporates ICC)
  • Assessment of intercultural competence (the means and challenges of assessing the relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes)
  • Intercultural activities (role-plays, simulations, ethnographic projects, grammar and vocabulary activities with a cultural focus, etc.)
  • Further readings, useful websites and materials relating, for example, to other ECML projects with a focus on intercultural learning.

Feedback from the participants:

  1. I learned very much new information, received good handouts and new ideas to implement in my further work.
  2. Cooperation between two facilitators was excellent!
  3. It was a push to design my own programme for the teachers.
  4. Such courses could be organised again to see how we have progressed.
  5. My personal intercultural awareness has been considerably raised.
  6. I got useful experience of working in a group.
  7. I got new ideas, inspiration, great participants, perfect management and very professional guest facilitator.
  8. We need more such courses.

The course was evaluated on all criteria as excellent.