Methodology – How to work on a forum (10)

10. Correction or self-correction of contributions?

It appears to be important for contributions to go through several stages:

  • a stage of individual drafting work
  • followed by collective correction work by the pupils in the group or class
  • and, lastly, a second look at the contribution by the pupil for the purpose of self-correction, the teacher making a final check to ensure that there are no errors which hinder comprehension.

Experience has shown that contributions posted on the forum do not contain many errors, and whether the teachers have “corrected” them or the pupils have corrected their own efforts is not known.

If technically feasible, an initial discussion forum in the class may be envisaged with the teacher acting as moderator and corrector. However, it is also conceivable that more advanced pupils may assist their classmates at a lower level. This co-correction can be of great advantage to all.

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