Training teachers to use the European Language Portfolio
---------Former les enseignants à l'utilisation du Portfolio européen des langues

Glossary | Glossaire

Booklet | Brochure



Self-assessment in relation to the common reference levels:
how do I know what level I am at, and how do I prove it?


Relevance of topic

In order to implement (or promote) the ELP among teachers and their pupils it seems to be necessary to have some experience of working with a portfolio. This might be one of the first steps in teacher training: working with an ELP oneself instead of listening to someone talking about the ELP.


Working methods

Individual reflection on the ELP checklists, discussion in small groups of how one finds answers to the following questions:

  • How do I know what level I am at?
  • How do I prove it?

Group work summarizing the arguments and possible proofs, which are shared with the larger group.
Presentation on posters


What we want to achieve

Experience of self-assessment based on ELP checklists; exploration of the kinds of arguments that can be used in the teacher training process; insight into ways of justifying one's self-assessment (which can be used as products for the dossier).

Self-assessment checklist

Self-assessment using the CEF levels

Self-assessment handout

Gaining experiences on working with a portfolio