CHAGAL in ACTION - 2. Content oriented examples

  1. Social and cultural learning
  2. Content oriented examples
  3. Language- and study skills
  4. Student support
  5. Other contributions

The seven examples presented here all have the common thread that both language and cultural aspects are vehicles for mastering the subject matter.

They contain elements of social-cultural learning, language training, study skills, specific subject methodology and didactical principles as presented in the guidelines.

Oral Presentations in the Second Language in Specialist Education

Jon Ruijmschoot, Chris van Veen, VASVU – Free University of Amsterdam, Foundation Year for International Students / NL

The participants in this project worked for several weeks on presentation techniques and made video recordings during the Dutch lessons. Later the students carried out experiments in a physics laboratory, compiled a report and made an oral presentation.

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Implementation of a Learner Centred Curriculum in Subjects Other than German as a Foreign Language - Needs Analysis

Eva Gergely, Lieselotte Hölbling, Ursula Schwab-Harich, Astrid Trathnigg / AT

In order to identify individual gaps in knowledge and provide additional support in Biology, History, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, subject-related tests and questionnaires were developed. Competences needed for study were developed, such as finding relevant electronic information, presentation techniques and time management.

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Integration of English and Mathematics

Aleid Knoote, Wilfried Meffert, Kees Smit, VASVU – Free University of Amsterdam, Foundation Year for International Students / NL

The students read English texts on mathematical topics and discussed them in Dutch. The Mathematics teacher and English teacher compiled the worksheets for this in close cooperation, with the emphasis placed on language aspects. The need for continually switching between two foreign languages in specialist subjects was described by former VASVU students as a serious problem in the first university year.

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Practical Exercises in Chemistry – Dimensional Analysis

Irene Schönfeldt, Preparatory Course at the Specialist University of the Free State of Bavaria in Coburg / DE

Those taking part were made familiar with laboratory techniques and had the possibility of carrying out experiments. They wrote reports on this, which were presented to their fellow students. Due to the successful cooperation between the German as a Foreign Language and Chemistry departments, in the future, "chemical" texts should be incorporated into German teaching.

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Elements of Self-Regulated Learning

Horst Nellessen, Preparatory Course of the University of Münster / DE

The emphasis of this project was on the development and determination of metacognitive structures. To do this, those taking part were intensively trained in self monitoring and self evaluation techniques regarding their learning processes. Entrance tests, special teaching materials, attending special classes and worksheets were to help make learning more efficient and more conscious.

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Role Playing in the Consulting Room

Aukje Spoelstra, Barbara van Diest, University of Utrecht, James Boswell Institute, Utrecht / NL

Participants were informed about cultural aspects and the Dutch language used in surgeries. Primarily through role-play, cultural "awareness" should be further developed. The target group was doctors trained – either wholly or partly – abroad.

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Developing Presentation Skills in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Context

Penka Taneva-Kafelova, Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv Branch / BG

The project is targeted at developing presentation skills in a subject specific context (English for electronics and telecommunications). It includes teaching and learning the rules of effective presentations; introducing presentation evaluation criteria for peer evaluation; preparing, making and evaluating presentations. Thus the university students acquire and add a necessary skill to the ‘skill-kit’ they need for both their mobility across the European higher education area and prospective professional career.

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