1. First Guideline
  2. Second Guideline
  3. Third Guideline
  4. Fourth Guideline
  5. Fifth Guideline
  6. Sixth Guideline
  7. Seventh Guideline
  8. Eighth Guideline
  9. Ninth Guideline
  10. Tenth Guideline
  11. Eleventh Guideline
  12. Twelfth Guideline

The following twelve Curriculum Guidelines should help preparatory institutions to provide a conducive learning environment that gives CHAGAL students the opportunity to thrive and that eases their integration into university life to become as smooth and successful as possible.

The first guideline highlights the positive contributions of CHAGAL students to society and university life.

The second, third, and fourth guidelines concentrate on the process of defining goals and objectives for course curricula, and the fifth points out the necessity to negotiate these goals and objectives with the university. Guidelines two to five, therefore, deal with developing course curricula on a rather general and somewhat abstract level.

Guidelines six, seven, eight and nine describe the process of implementing the curriculum by means of a student-centred approach. They concentrate on the individual student and his/her learning process.

Guidelines ten, eleven and twelve focus on the implications guidelines one to nine will have for the preparatory institution and its staff.

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