How to Develop and Implement Student-Centred Course Curricula

  1. Student-Centred Course
    Curriculum Development
  2. Traditional Curriculum
    Development vs Student-
    Centred Curriculum
  3. Content Selection and
    Priority Setting
  4. Teaching Methods
  5. Evaluation
  6. The Support Teachers Need
  7. Advantages of a Student-
    Centred Curriculum
  8. Literature

Curriculum theory and planning can be seen as a systematic attempt by educationalists and teachers to specify and study planned intervention in the educational enterprise.

Traditional approaches to curriculum development (Tyler 1949) see the development of curricula as a linear process that follows a rather simple means-end view of education and does not consider what actually happens in the classroom. More recent models of curriculum development (Stenhouse 1975; Nunan 1988; Richards 2001) provide a more process-orientated view which considers the elements that are described below as important.

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