3. Content Selection and Priority Setting

  1. Student-Centred Course
    Curriculum Development
  2. Traditional Curriculum
    Development vs Student-
    Centred Curriculum
  3. Content Selection and
    Priority Setting
  4. Teaching Methods
  5. Evaluation
  6. The Support Teachers Need
  7. Advantages of a Student-
    Centred Curriculum
  8. Literature

In a student-centred curriculum clear criteria for content selection give guidance on the selection of materials and learning activities and assist in assessment and evaluation.

By making explicit the content objectives of a course and, eventually, by training learners to set their own objectives, the following benefits can be accrued:

A crucial distinction between traditional and student-centred curriculum development is that, in the latter, the structure is fluid and open to adaptations. It is, therefore, important that the contents selected at the beginning of a course are not seen as definite; they will vary, and will probably have to be modified as students experience different kinds of learning activities and as teachers obtain more information about the students’ subjective needs.

As most learners find it difficult to articulate their needs and preferences, the initial stages of a course can be spent in providing a range of learning experiences. Additionally, with low-level language learners, developing critical self-awareness can best be facilitated by the use of resources in the mother tongue. In some cases the use of bilingual assistants may be useful.

Since contact hours often are limited, class time has to be used as effectively and productively as possible to achieve the following aims:

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