Piloting and Evaluation

Camelia's brief report on the piloting process (pdf)

Emese's video & audio recordings of Erasmus students: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 (all multimedia files)

Gordiana: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, piloting1, piloting 2, report 1, report 2 , training. (all pdf)

Ksenia evaluation (pdf)

Lilian observation (pdf)

Nara evaluation (pdf)

Petr observation (pdf)

Rosaura observation (pdf)

Samuel evaluation (pdf)

Sofie evaluation (pdf)

Sofie slides (pdf)

Sofie document (pdf)

Materials related to evaluation

Analysis of activities / Analyse des activités (pdf)

Evaluation sheet for piloting - Fiche d'évaluation pour l'expérimentation (pdf)

What I most liked today /Ce que j'ai le plus aimé (pdf)

Observation sheet for piloting / Fiche d'observation pour l'expérimentation (pdf)

Planning piloting / Planification de l'expérimentation (pdf)

Participants' views on the lea project (pdf)

Note: The LEA coordinating team would like to thank all the participants involved in the project who have made this publication possible, as well as the ECML staff for their ongoing support.