Whole-School Language Profiles and Policies

  "Fostering plurilingualism"





Antoinette Camilleri Grima, Malta/ Malte

Antoinette Camilleri Grima is a senior lecturer in applied linguistics at the University of Malta. She obtained her Ph.D. on bilingual education from the University of Edinburgh, and has published several articles and books on the topic amongst which are: Bilingualism in Education. The Maltese Experience (1995), and the edited volume Transcending Monolingualism (2003, with Leena Huss and Kendall King). Her teaching, research and publications include work on intercultural competence, learner autonomy, and Maltese language pedagogy.

She has lead two teams that have produced attainment targets for Maltese as a first language at primary and secondary school levels respectively, and has authored books on Maltese pedagogy and for the teaching of Maltese as a foreign language. At the ECML she has participated as a team member in the areas of intercultural competence and learner autonomy, and has also co-ordinated a number of projects on syllabus design and bilingual education. Most of this work is available in the form of Council of Europe/ECML publications.

Her mother tongue is Maltese and her active repertoire includes English, Italian and French.

Madlena Norberg, Germany / Allemagne

Madlena Norberg obtained her Ph.D. from Uppsala University in 1996 in the field of sociolinguistics and Sorbian minority issues. Between 1998 and 2002 she acted as Coordinator of a teacher education programme in Lower Sorbian at the University of Potsdam, in the Department of Slavic Languages. Madlena Norberg has been working at the Sorbian Language Centre WITAJ in Cottbus since 1992. Here she is responsible for the theoretical background and the organization of bilingual teaching of Lower Sorbian.

Her main fields of research are: minorities in Europe, language planning and bilingual education, the Sorbs as a Slavic minority in Germany and Lower Sorbian language development. M. Norberg is working as member of several Sorbian associations such as the Sorbian Council within the Brandenburg government and the Minorities Council of the Federal Republic of Germany (Minderheitenrat der Bundesrepublik). Recently she wrote a framework for Lower Sorbian school development and especially Lower Sorbian bilingual education in Brandenburg: "Konzeption zur pädagogisch-organisatorischen Struktur und zu schulischen Vermittlungsformen der Arbeitssprache Sorbisch/Wendisch in der Niederlausitz ab der Primarstufe". Moreover she has published several articles in scholarly journals.

Her active linguistic repertoire includes German, Upper and Lower Sorbian, Russian, Polish, Swedish and English.

Andrea Young, France / France

Andrea Young is a lecturer in teaching English to young learners at the Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres in Alsace, France and a member of the G.E.P.E. (Groupe d'Etude sur le Plurilinguisme Européen) research group at Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg, France. She received her Ph.D. from Aston University in 1994 for research into motivation and attitudes towards foreign language learning.

Andrea has recently co-authored a number of publications with Christine Hélot dealing with the inclusion of migrant languages and cultures in the primary school curriculum, Imagining Multilingual Education in France: A language and cultural project at primary school (in press), Education à la diversité linguistique et culturelle : Le rôle des parents dans un projet d'éveil aux langues en cycle 2 (2003), Language Awareness and/or Language Learning in French Primary Schools today (2003), Bilingualism and Language Education in French Primary Schools: Why and How should Migrant Languages be Valued? (2002), L'enseignement des langues à l'école : pour une plus grande prise en compte du pluralism culturel (2001).

Her mother tongue is English and she speaks French and German.

Elisabeth Fleischmann, Austria/Autriche

Elisabeth Fleischmann is Head of the Graz International Bilingual School, a post she has held since 1995 after she had taught English there between 1991 and 1995. She was teacher of EFL at Secondary School Level "Gymnasium " at several different schools in Styria between 1978 and 1991, and has worked as Teacher trainer in EFL Methodology at the Pädagogisches Institut des Bundes in Steiermark since 1988. She has also lectured in EFL Methodology at the University of Graz between 1989 and 1993.

She has been working as Team Counsellor and Workshop Leader in Gestalt Pedagogy since 1991, and as Counsellor on School Development in Southern Serbia appointed by the Austrian government in 2004. Since 2000 she has been member of the Assessment Committee in charge of appointing school principals in Austria.

Her professional expertise and interests lie in the areas of bilingual education, foreign language learning, interdisciplinary teaching and learning and school administration, development and organisation. ENSEMBLE is the second ECML workshop to which Elisabeth Fleischmann is contributing as team member. Her mother tongue is German, her second language is English, and she has know-ledge of French and Spanish.