Training teachers to use the European Language Portfolio
  Training events and training activities for language teacher trainers
  and teachers



Aims and Objectives |


Action Plan |


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The ELP, developed and co-ordinated within the Language Policy Division's programme, is being implemented in teacher training contexts by the ECML.

The project coincides fully with the rationale of the 2nd Medium Term Programme since the European Language Portfolio (ELP) is conceived as a tool to support language education and promote the development of plurilingualism and intercultural competence.

In particular the project is designed to contribute to the dissemination and implementation of Council of Europe political concepts - especially plurilingualism, pluriculturalism and education for democratic citizenship - by supporting the widespread and effective use of the ELP and (by implication) the Common European Framework.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ______________________________

General aims

To support the implementation of the ELP in Council of Europe member states by

  • developing materials and activities for ELP-related teacher training;
  • mediating the materials and activities in a central workshop;
  • supporting national ELP training events and projects.

Specific objectives

To initiate a cascading process of ELP-related teacher training by:

  • in the preparatory phase, designing materials and activities that can be used flexibly and with appropriate adaptation in ELP-related training for teacher trainers and teachers at national level;
  • at a central workshop, mediating these materials and activities to teacher trainers from ECML/Council of Europe member states and supporting the design of national ELP training events and projects;
  • providing experts to support national ELP training events and projects;
  • monitoring and collecting feedback on national training events and projects;
  • facilitating exchange of experience and self-evaluation.

EXPECTED OUTCOMES ______________________________

The expected outcomes of the project are:

  • the training kit (materials and activities) that will be mediated at the central workshop and made available to potential users on CD-ROM and via the official ELP website of the Council of Europe; they will also be available on the ECML web site;
  • up to 40 multipliers at international level (central workshop) and an indefinite number of multipliers at national level (national training events and projects);
  • improved information flow and exchange via
    • online reports on the central workshop and national training events/ projects
    • a final report on the project compiled by the project team (to be available both online and in hard copy)

ACTION PLAN _____________________________________

23-24 January
of the project team to

  • review components of the training kit and negotiate refinements and revisions
  • draft the programme for the central workshop
  • identify experts to support national training events and follow-up projects
  • discuss appropriate formats for online reports of national training events and follow-up projects

The project team continues to work on components of the training kit and formats for online reports.

2-3 July
of the project team to finalize

  • the training kit
  • the programme for the central workshop
  • formats for online reports of national training events and follow-up projects

Submission of training kit for translation (French and English versions will be presented at the central workshop).

24-27 November
Central workshop

  • for the member states of the ECML;
  • for other Council of Europe member states on a first-come first-served basis and at their own expense,

Profile of participants:
Teacher trainers who are already familiar with the ELP and who are in a position (i.e., have the authority and necessary funding support) to organize a national ELP training event and/or project and to submit reports as outlined below.
The purpose of the workshop will be to

  • mediate the training kit to the participants;
  • explore the potential for achieving a cascade of ELP-related training in the member states represented at the workshop by identifying
    • domains of language teaching to be targeted
    • frameworks for training
    • potential for follow-up projects;
  • present (on paper) the team of experts who will be available to support national events;
  • negotiate a provisional timetable for national ELP training events and follow-up projects.

National training events, each supported by one expert selected by the ECML Secretariat in consultation with the project team.
The purpose of these events will be to

  • use the materials and activities presented in the central workshop to train teacher trainers and multiplier teachers
  • wherever possible, plan follow-up actions to run to the summer of 2006

Profile of participants:
Teacher trainers and teachers involved in the implementation of the ELP.

Reports on national training events, including an outline of proposed follow-up actions and their intended outcomes, will be submitted in a format previously agreed by the project team and made available online.

National follow-up actions which may be supported by one expert visit if the national training event did not make use of such a visit.

By June

Brief reports on national follow-up actions will be submitted in a format previously agreed by the project team and made available online.

By December
By December the project team will compile a concluding report on the project, to be made available in print and online.

The central workshop will have two official working languages, French and English (simultaneous interpretation provided). The participants may agree to use other languages in group work ( no interpretation is provided for group work).

National training events will be held in the national language, and in some cases one of the official languages of the Council of Europe (where visiting experts cannot work in the national language).

All reports will be submitted in English or French and translated into French or English.

The project team comprises native speakers of English (with L2 German and receptive French), Finnish (with L2 English), Czech (with L2 English), German (with bilingual French and L2 English), Dutch (with L2 German and English).