Training Online Tutors

Erich Zehnder

·        CASE TYPE


Internet-based training course for  online-tutors working with the classroom management system of the German Association of Adult Education Institutions (DVV)  offered by:

Verband der Volkshochschulen von Rheinland-Pfalz e. V.
Hintere Bleiche 38, 55116 Mainz
Telefon: 06131 - 2 88 89-0, Telefax: 06131 - 2 88 89-30


·        TARGET GROUP  

Language teachers intending to teach online language courses, e.g


  ·        RATIONALE & PURPOSE  

Web-based language learning is especially suited to a VOLL-context because:

The organisation and teaching involved in online language courses requires particular skills.

Only an internet-based learning environment can train these skills effectively, as trainee tutors must experience themselves the processes typically encountered in internet-based learning.


The trainee tutors are sensitised to internet-based learning processes through

  • the completion of tasks and exercises,

  • through the critical review of basic as well as advanced literature on the subject

  • through finding, trying out and evaluating relevant links.

·        ICTs used

   Platform : ILIAS 




An initial one-day face-face session is compulsory.

In this session trainees get to know the other course participants and are shown how to use the learning management system and gain experience of this in small groups with the help of the trainers. 

They are shown the different ways in which the work during the course will be carried out and are given the necessary information for the use of the course material, the teaching material and the learning management system vhs-kampus. 

Contact is established for help with problems, which may arise during the course.

This is followed by 10 to 14 weeks of online work in the group, accompanied and guided by the trainers.  During this time the course participants 

   § read the basic literature on the subject

§   complete the exercises and tasks (individually or in small groups) and make the results available to the others in the discussion forums.

§   engage in discussion with other course participants and trainers


·        Course topics

§   Online learning

§   Learning management systems

§   Internet interaction and communication

§   The role of the online tutor, tasks and opportunities

§    Managing chat and discussion forums

§    Cultural and intercultural issues

§    Time management and course organisation

§    Practical help with tutoring

§    Bibliography and webography

The course also has an obligatory final phase (in exceptional cases also possible as a chat session) in which the following topics are dealt with:

·        Course evaluation, open questions

·        Exchange of experience and information

·        Additional material, introduction and evaluation


A certificate of participation can only be granted to those participants who have attended the introductory and the final phase and have also completed 4 of the 6 tasks during the online phase.


·        EXAMPLES for approach and material

  1.  Texts and tasks from the online-sessions

An example:

Kapitel 6 Kursleitende und Gruppe


1. Kursleitende und Gruppe

2. Netikette (inkl. Übung)

3. Kommunikation im Unterricht

4. Häufige Abkürzungen in Chat und Email

5. Aufgabe zur Lerneinheit: Kursleitende und Gruppe


2.     Material to be used



·        ANALYSIS

o        affordances and constraints

The internet-based training course offers future online tutors a first insight into the processes, possibilities and constraints of web-based language learning.

It prepares the tutors to assist language-learners espcially in a VOLL-background in their efforts not to just learn a foreign languge on a self-study bases but by using the langage in interaction with other learners.

Since the trainee-tutors experience the same situation their future learners will have ”to endure”, they are sensitised to internet-based learning processes.

Up till now, the use of language learning material on the platform is limited exclusively to the programs furnished by the Hueber-Verlag. Thus the trainee-tutors only gather exemplary experience with preselected material.

o        subject matter encountered

Despite the fact that the internet-based training course is mainly designed to introduce future tutors to work with the the classroom management system of the German Association of Adult Education Institutions (DVV) it offers insight into the theory and practice of the use of ICT for VOLL-purposes

o        further possibilities

The internet-based training course for  online-tutors working with  could form a central unit in a row of teacher training modules on the use of ICT in language learning. By its special approach as web-based training it makes the trainee-teachers aware of the chances as well as limits of internet-based learning processes.



For teachers who intend to work as tutors in web-based language-courses especially in a VOLL-context, web-based training courses offer a chance to gather the background information needed as well as the experience as learners in such surroundings.