European Centre for Modern Languages


Mary Rose

Benchmarks are a collection of reference points which may provide a like-for-like context into which a school's performance results can be set. Benchmarks are constructed by looking at the pattern of results in national groupings of schools of similar types. These data sets help a school to compare their performance with similar schools across a range of relevant indicators. This enables a school to begin to answer some key questions in the school improvement cycle;

'how does our performance compare with other, similar schools?'

'what can we learn from other schools?'

'what do we need to do to improve?'

Using benchmarking as a tool in school improvement supports the development of a questioning culture within an organisation. It provides schools with an evidence base which improves their self-knowledge and understanding about the quality of their provision and the quality of their performance.

In England there is a national system and all schools are provided with individual annual performance and assessment reports (PANDA). These reports give a range of performance data about the attainment and progress of pupils. These data are shown in comparison with national averages and in comparison with other schools in similar contexts, measured against national benchmarks.

The comparisons will relate to;

size - the number of pupils on roll

socio-economic factors - the percentage of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals
percentage of pupils for whom English is an additional language
percentage of pupils with special educational needs
pupil attendance

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