Implementing the ELP in the Russian Federation

Moscow State Linguistic University, representing the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
Mrs Irina Kahleeva, Rector Moscow State Linguistic University

Mr Vladimir Shleg, Vice-rector
Moscow State Linguistic University
Ostozhenka 38
119 992 Moscow
Russian Federation
+7 095 245 1821
+7 095 246 2807


Russian Federation


52 cities and towns


All types of schools

Project Synopsis


The Russian Federation (RF) is one of the most poly-ethnic countries of the world. 160 languages are spoken in the Russian Federation. The state language is Russian and there are 25 title languages of national republics.
The Russians constitute about 80% (118 million) of the population. Ethnic peoples, varying from several millions to 10 thousand or less, make up the remaining 20%.

Policy considerations

All the languages spoken by the nations/peoples of Russia are protected by the Constitution and by the law of languages adopted in 1998 as part of the historic and cultural heritage of the Russian Federation.
Russia has been developing for centuries as a poly-ethnic state where interconnections of cultures through bilingualism and multilingualism have become a norm of peoples’ lives.

General goals and objectives

Looking at the Russian Federation as a common educational space today, the task is to foster conditions which promote pluri-lingualism and intercultural competence enabling people to effectively communicate in Russian as a common state language; in the title and official languages of their respective republics; in their native and ethnic languages; in foreign languages of neighbouring countries; in foreign languages of international communication.

Scope of the project

Given the many national, ethnic, geographic, historic and climatic differences and the resulting variety of life styles, the elaboration of a uniform solution in that multicultural setting presents a complex task. Therefore, educational standards include Russian at the Federal level and national-regional components for one or several additional languages.
The Russian ELP project has to be seen in this sociocultural and educational context.

Other remarks

The Russian ELP project started in 1998. A total of 74700 copies of four different validated Russian ELP models are currently in use in primary and secondary schools, in specialised languages schools, in lyceums and gymnasiums in 52 cities and towns of the RF. 150 state linguistic universities and linguistic departments use the ELP for philologists. Many workshops have been given by leading methodologists, developers of the Russian ELPs in different regions of the RF.

ELP Models

Validation number Extension Educational sector Learners involved Teachers involved Schools involved
28.2002 age 7-11 Primary 27'000
31.2002 Secondary I 24'000
03.2000 age 15+ Secondary II General 30'000
27.2002 Tertiary Language Professional 6'000
00.9999 Avar Secondary I 1'000


Strategies used ELP status Delivery modes User support Monitoring
Centralised Recommended Through authorities Teacher training Effects on educational system
Networking Voluntary Through schools Learner training Effects on learners
Snow-ball Effect Others On paper Others Effects on teachers

The variety, distances and logistic challenges in the RF are enormous. Educational priorities, resources and hence project strategies vary considerably.
The ELP is proving itself a useful tool in this context but it will still take considerable sustained efforts to ensure that all learners get its benefits.


Intended outcome On the system For learners For teachers For schools
Short Term Quality development Self-assessment Dialogue with learners Transparent standards
Mid Term Setting transparent standards Reflective learning Personal development Whole school policy
Long Term Promoting mature Citizens Independent learners Coping with diversity Coping with diversity

The primary goal is to enable the young generation to understand and take part in today’s complex political, social-cultural and socio-economic life in their region, Russia, Europe and the world.


Time lines Decision date Starting date Review dates Final date

Any other information

On the occasion of the annual international CoE seminar for ELP contact persons from the member countries in Moscow reports on a number of key projects in the RF were presented by the Russian participants. These include:
- A report on the Russian version of the ELP for Primary schools, age group 7-11
- A report on the Russian version of the ELP for lower secondary schools, age group 11-14
- A report on the Russian version of the ELP for the age group 15+
- A report on the ELP for philologists (
- Using the ELP to develop a language learning environment (E. Kurlyand, Barnaul State Ped. University)
- The ELP facilitating a comprehensive and integrated school language policy (E. Kuritsina, Gym. 23 Vladimir)
- Enhancing the intercultural awareness of university students through discourse analysis (K. Golubina, MSLU)
Reports in Russian from a great number of central and regional ELP seminars document the efforts over time and development since 1998.