Project info 4

Questionnaire for the teachers

  1. How many pupils have really worked on the Gulliver project?
  2. How did you insert the work with Gulliver into your school year curriculum? How did it help (or disturb) your usual work?
  3. How do you organize your work with Gulliver (in the classroom? outside?) Describe a successful class thanks to Gulliver?
  4. What interest do you see in cooperating with other classes through the Internet?
  5. What are, according to you, the advantages of such a type of work?
  6. What difficulties did you run into?
  7. How did the work on the Gulliver project help you to teach intercultural competence?
  8. To what extent did it enable your pupils to acquire this competence?

Questionnaire for the learners

  1. How does your class choose the themes?
  2. How many answers did you contribute yourself?
  3. How many did you make in class?
  4. How many did you read?
  5. In what language(s) did you read them?
  6. Did you also read them at home?
  7. What did you find most interesting? Give us some examples.
  8. What surprised you most? Give us some examples.
  9. Why do you like this kind of work? (Or: Why don’t you like it?)
  10. In what way has your schoolwork changed this year with Gulliver?
  11. Do you wish to go on working on the forum next year?
  12. What other topics or types of work would you like to suggest?
  13. Would you like to have e-mail exchanges with someone you’ve met thanks to Gulliver?
  14. With what pupils from other European countries would you like to cooperate through the Gulliver forum?

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