   The CLIL quality matrix

Achieving good practice in Content and Language Integrated Learning/
  bilingual education



Aims and Objectives |


Action Plan |


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Over the past decade there has been considerable interest in improving additional language learning across all educational sectors. One solution which has emerged is teaching and learning through a second/foreign language (often referred to as Content and Language Integrated Learning - CLIL, or bilingual education). After a period of widespread experimentation there is now a need to pool experience with respect to maximizing successful implementation of this educational approach.

The CLIL Quality Matrix team will collect data on good practice in CLIL/bilingual education from ECML member states which complements that found during the course of producing Practice & Perspectives in European Bilingual Education (1996) published by the European Platform for Dutch Education and other existing collections The general aim is to produce a Quality Matrix which shows how best practice may be achieved, and potential outcomes in terms of added value.

This proposal is largely research and development on innovative approaches to the learning and teaching of languages. It targets primary and secondary schools, and vocationally-oriented colleges, and focuses on quality assurance and management issues. CLIL/bilingual education specifically handles methodologies for broadening (through greater exposure) and diversifying (different learning approaches) language learning so as to promote plurilingualism, change attitudes towards the self as a language learner, and harness the potential of new instruments such as the CEF/ELP.

Relationship to earlier ECML and other activities:
This proposal builds on earlier work of the Council of Europe (ECML). See, for example, the Thematic collection of workshop reports on Bilingual Education (compiled by Abuja,G.), and publications such as Kolodziejska, E. and Simpson, S. (2000) Language Across the Curriculum (ECML). It is also linked to several European Commission activities in the period 1994-2004.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ______________________________

General aims

Production of a web-based CLIL Quality matrix, which shows core quality factors required for successful implementation of teaching and learning through a foreign language. The Matrix would provide insight into:

  • CLIL activities in ECML member states
  • Reasons why CLIL is introduced
  • Good practice case profiles
  • Quality factors common across countries and contexts.

Specific objectives

The production process will involve collection of case profiles from ECML member states (33 countries), analysis of why CLIL is introduced and how good practice is achieved, and a description of quality factors in matrix form.

EXPECTED OUTCOMES ______________________________

The CLIL Quality matrix comprising brief descriptors of good practice and inter-relationships between them., available on-line and on CD-ROM.

The end-users are policy-makers, administrators, teachers or other stakeholders interested in learning about the extent to which CLIL is active across Europe, understanding why it is introduced, examining examples of good practice and added value, and finally, wishing to understand the core quality features necessary for ensuring best practice.

ACTION PLAN _____________________________________

January - September
Confirm plan, launch search tools, design case and country reporting formats, establish dissemination strategy and develop prototype Quality Matrix structure. National representatives requested to identify potential contributors. Build web site with ECML, identify centres of knowledge and information, and contact potential contributors.

17-18 September
Expert meeting

September - February (2005)
Submission of case profiles and country reports, followed by initial analysis. Workshop planned. National representatives requested to invite appropriate Workshop participant (October 2005).

15-16 April
Preparatory meeting

April - November
Analysis of country reports continues. Matrix tested.

3-5 November
Workshop: “Content and Language Integrated Learning: Describing and Achieving Good Practice”.

Participants' profile:
Workshop participants should have expert knowledge of ‘teaching through a foreign language’ (primary/secondary/vocational) and be in some form of multiplier capacity nationally. Participants should have an overview of recent developments of CLIL in their respective countries.

In the Workshop participants are expected to contribute to analysis and evaluation of the prototype Quality Matrix, in terms of workability in his/her local environment, and consider further action which would enable transferability of the matrix.

November - February (2006)
Launching of the CLIL Quality Matrix.

21-22 May
Expert meeting
3: finalise outcomes and production of blueprints.

8-9 September
Expert meeting
4;The Hague, Netherlands.

The working languages of the project are Bulgarian, English, Finnish, Dutch, French, German & Polish. Production will be in English with partial rendition in French. The Workshop will provide simultaneous translation English-French.
Participants are expected to have sufficient linguistic command of English or French.