European Centre for Modern Languages
Centre européen pour les langues vivantes
Project 1.3.2: Information & Communication Technologies in Distance Language Learning

General introductionProject teamProject descriptionWorkshop participants Workshop reportIn the face of (workshop) adversity
Tier 1: Teacher education and distance language learning
Tier 2: Teaching - Studying - Learning processTier 3: Collaborative learning environment
Evaluation & Conclusions Workshop cartoonVideo album
Photo album 1Photo album 2BSCW demo

Bibliography and Webography

Introduction and instructions on how to use the bibliography

The Bibliography is a resource held in a database at the European Centre for Modern Languages. It contains a wide selection of publications, mostly in English. There are a few resources in other languages and it is hoped that language practitioners visiting the site will add titles they know well and thus contribute to the enhancement of this useful resource.

To access the database follow these steps.
If you wish you can see copies of all the screens you should go through in this folder.

1. From the ECML website ( select
    Activities <homepage.jpg>.
2. Select project 1.3.2: 'Information and Communication
    Technologiesand distance learning' and click on 'details'
3. Click on 'Project Web Site <details.jpg>
4. You are now in the project portal. Select 'Bibli/webography'
5. The opening screen of the database gives you the
    opportunity ofsearching for resources or adding resources.
    <database open.jpg>
6. There are clear instructions as to how to look for publications
    on the database. In the example provided the author and the
    topic have been submitted, but only one field is necessary.
    Click 'Submit' to start your search <biblio search.jpg>
7. The results of the search appear next <biblio results.jpg>
8. To add resources you click on 'Add resources' in the database
    opening screen <database open.jpg>
9. The page 'Bibliography/Web Resources submission gives
   instructions as to how to do so. <biblio submit.jpg>

Introduction and instructions on how to use the webography

The Webography is a resource held in a database at the European Centre for Modern Languages. It contains a selection of Internet resources. It is hoped that language practitioners visiting the site will add links they know well and thus contribute to the enhancement of this useful resource.

To access the database follow these steps.
If you wish, you can see copies of the first screens you should go through in the Bibliography folder (steps 1-6) and the ones that are specific to the Webography (steps 7-10) in this folder:

1. From the ECML website ( select
   Activities <homepage.jpg>
2. Select project 1.3.2, Information and Communication
   Technologies and distance learning and click on 'details'
3. Click on 'Project Web Site <details.jpg>
4. You are now in the project portal. Select 'Bibli/webography'
5. The opening screen of the database gives you the
   opportunity of searching for resources or adding resources.
   <database open.jpg>
6. There are instructions as to how to look for web links on the
   database. You only need to submit key words for your search
   and to tick the box preceding 'Webography' before you click
   on 'Submit'<web search.jpg>
7. The results of the search appear next <web results.jpg>
8. To add resources you click on 'Add resources' in the database
    opening screen <database open.jpg>
9. The page 'Bibliography/Web Resources submission gives
    instructions as to how to do so. <web submit.jpg>
